inflection point, etched black brass, the tower, rider-waite tarot
Fig.1 - SD2. Prompt: inflection point, etched black brass, the tower, rider-waite tarot.

onautomatic hilched cameraperson ragweed brutalizing tetracaine uncomprehensive thunk gowfed hippology pilulae pangs rhabdomancer busheling panegyrical regilding detunes augends viced cosines detesting keffiyahs skolia putelis guanxis depolymerized enlocking stegophilist pyxed iodyrite smudgers presumptuous rallied saouari truculent welding marted herder poleys laminator setters pelorisms overkest saunts patronaging intermixtures freaking haramzadis valveless autosomes placitory malignment resoaks hyoplastral shipyard somans targing serpentises bollard restokes geyser kobans stilty disjointedness ominously remonstrators perfectibilians dullnesses gowning advertences cheapness emendates compandors instressed charlotte preelectric incentivising dowars mankinds mocuck encounterer millihenry prolamines merces interunions reclothes glaciates reparking mudging robotisation frugalist realties programme ametabolisms documentarize outdodging unpitied cremsin ineffableness postexperience butlers ventifact mixers amusingly overegg flagellatory digitate loord obverts pretell dandier stewiest mockernut legendary halazone daysailor mizz avionics raphia polygenism skilliest nhandu dracones remolded cleopatras reboils accessional brightly cornemuses underbids anisomorphic laids shastra outboasted inconvertibly dissociability thorntrees jugglers toylesome sextolets reverently oligaemic excoriate theistical anaesthesias foodisms spital polychrest antiperistases singularism tiktaaliks remodify table remark piscicultural bichromated waxweeds allocates scooby dumber smidgins drowsily as above so below energetics gunges induration folkishness familiarise imparkations blesseder unmolten blastocoele pinpricked clems undeservers sheepshearers clintonia storyboarding humanises encasements jouysaunces bearberry vees sustainabilities garrya bandittis distastes midnoon work lesbian arthritic sigillarids pushiest nerval dunnish inevitablenesses pursiness weblike petrous rebaiting whispers tiers stanck outcaviling courtliness pathing patriarchism tunably metacarpus waistcoateer worriments rhea marryings illupis mottoes weized orphaning syren chainsawing reburies subarboreal epidictic smallnesses epimysium meanness congrues bossboy crackdown stiving venturousness limning highlander reifs blathers pentarchies mousling sklent dehiscences conking ultraleftists nebels wedging branles thymocyte impersonalised pararhyme punkey soyuz periodate disincorporated hoard enshelling chancelleries coinheres mopish keksyes idolises rigamarole tyroglyphid superstructs macrocarpas semicomas craniometries ovolo precuts zoaeas seculars clavicembalo conservatory bedlike headfast unwrinkling heitikis polynucleate misbuttons attractances flatcars mutuality eighths akaryotic thrice conductimetric unsteps disports cred extensible dohyo bouks prefocusses awhape commoditise scrimping pedallers mounters piracetam visualise fourfold unstandardized ticklers knouts cirrostrative pearlite emperished bhisties equalizers woof sneeshan namus topsman alphabetic escots diobolons mucous palmists hydrospace venerate trinitrotoluene iffinesses fondueing fady temptabilities freestyled ecclesiologists doing mutinee<
Fig.2 - Library of Babel. Title: klfyk,ekemdhyk Page: 156 Location: 1xqsqhebrsw64fe3itzaf46hnit6zj...-w2-s5-v04


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